Science Fair Fun!

5th Graders will be participating in the West Heritage Science Fair in January of 2025. This is an exciting time as we study the Scientific Method in class, and they complete their experiments at home. We can provide materials as needed, and we will be doing the research to the Science Fair questions in class. If you are able, please send in black Science Fair Boards as you find them. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

How to Access Renaissance Place and online sources at home:

AR at Home and Other Links

5th Grade Updates and Newsletters

5th Grade Newsletter


5th Grade

ALL Homework will come home each day in the Accordion Folder. Please make sure to check in with your student each night. Homework will begin during the first week of school. Please be aware that there will be nightly Reading and Math homework in 5th grade.

All Assignments are written down in our student planners, "Binder Reminders", at the end of each school day. Please also refer to the homework link above.

Upcoming Events

Harvest Night is Friday, October 17th. Hope to see you there!

Back to School Night 2024-2025 Presentation